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api[www,FileAPI] code

	subclass: #FileAPIObject
	category: #FileAPI!
FileAPIObject comment: '
	Provides an API for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data. 
	@2013 Alejandro Reimondo [email protected]

#(	#FileList #LineEndings
	#FileReaderSync #URL
) do: [:each| FileAPIObject subclass: each ].

Blob subclass: #File category: #FileAPI!
DOM subclass: #FileReader category: #FileAPI!

! BrowserWindow methodsFor: 'FileAPI-converting' !
	" Return the receiver adapted to LineEndings interface.  "

	^LineEndings @ self handle! !

FileList buildGetters: #( #length )!
FileList buildFunctions: #( #( #item: #( #index ) ) )!
LineEndings buildFunctions: #(
	#( #toNativeLineEndings: #( #string ) )
Blob buildGetters: #( #size #type )!
Blob buildFunctions: #(
	#( #slice:end:contentType: #( #start #end #contentType ) )
	#( #slice:end: #( #start #end ) )
	#( #slice: #( #start ) )
	#slice #close
File buildGetters: #( #name #lastModifiedDate )!
FileReader buildAccessors: #(
	#onloadstart #onprogress #onload #onabort #onerror #onloadend
FileReader buildGetters: #( #readyState #result #error )!
FileReader buildFunctions: #(
	#( #readAsArrayBuffer: #( #blob ) )
	#( #readAsText:encoding: #( #blob #encoding ) )
	#( #readAsDataURL: #( #blob ) )

! FileReader class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Return the constant value EMPTY "

	^0! !

! FileReader class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Return the constant value LOADING "

	^1! !

! FileReader class methodsFor: #constants !
	" Return the constant value DONE "

	^2! !

FileReaderSync buildFunctions: #(
	#( #readAsArrayBuffer: #( #blob ) )
	#( #readAsText:encoding: #( #blob #encoding ) )
	#( #readAsDataURL: #( #blob ) )

URL buildFunctions: #(
	#( #createObjectURL:options: #( #blob #options ) )
	#( #revokeObjectURL: #( #url ) )

! Blob methodsFor: #initialize !
	" Initialize the handle of the receiver. "

	handle := {' new Blob() '}.! !

! Blob class methodsFor: 'instance creation' !
new: blobParts
	" Return an instance of the receiver.
	See http://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/#blob

	| aHandle |
	aHandle := {' new Blob(blobParts) '}.
	^self @ aHandle! !

! Blob class methodsFor: 'instance creation' !
new: blobParts options: aBlobPropertyBag
	" Return an instance of the receiver.
	See http://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/#blob

	| aHandle |
	aHandle := {' new Blob(blobParts,aBlobPropertyBag) '}.
	^self @ aHandle! !

! Blob class methodsFor: 'instance creation' !
utf8: aString
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self new: aString options: (#type -> 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8') json! !

! FileReader methodsFor: #initialize !
	" Initialize the handle of the receiver. "

	handle := {' new FileReader() '}.! !

! FileReader class methodsFor: #events !
selectorForHTML5Event: anEvent
	" Private - Return the on... selector to use to register binding to anEvent. "

	^#on , (anEvent upTo: $:) asLowercase! !

! FileReader class methodsFor: #events !
	" Private - Return the html5 events managed by instances of the receiver. "

	#progress: #load
	#abort #error
	#loadstart #loadend
	) , super html5Events! !