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"CGGeometry APIImplementation executable in both iOS and OSX execution environments."

 subclass: #CGGeometryObject
 category: #CGGeometry!
#(	#CGPoint #CGSize #CGRect
	#CGColor  #CGContext
) do: [:each| CGGeometryObject subclass: each ]!

! CGColor class methodsFor: #constants !
getConstantColor: colorName
	" Private - Return the constant color with colorName. "

	^self @ (# #CGColorGetConstantColor: colorName)! !

! CGColor class methodsFor: #constants !
	^self getConstantColor: #kCGColorWhite! !

! CGColor class methodsFor: #constants !
	^self getConstantColor: #kCGColorBlack! !

! CGColor class methodsFor: #constants !
	^self getConstantColor: #kCGColorClear! !

! CGColor class methodsFor: #constants !
	^self clear! !

CGPoint buildNumberAccessors: #( x y )!
CGSize buildNumberAccessors: #( width height )!
CGRect buildTypedAccessors: #(
	#( origin #CGPoint )
	#( size   #CGSize  )

! CGGeometryObject class methodsFor: #converting !
instance: anAlien
	" Return an instance of the receiver converted from anAlien. "

	(self isObject: anAlien) ifFalse: [ ^self @ anAlien ].
	(anAlien isKindOf: self) ifTrue: [ ^anAlien ].
	^self @ anAlien! !

! CGPoint methodsFor: #accessing !
handle: anAlien
	" Set the native handle to a potentialy non-StObject. "

	(self isObject: anAlien) ifTrue: [
		(anAlien isMemberOf: Point) ifTrue: [
			^super handle: (Point newCGPoint: anAlien x y: anAlien y)
		anAlien isNumber ifTrue: [ ^self handle: anAlien @ anAlien ].
	^super handle: anAlien! !

! CGSize methodsFor: #accessing !
handle: anAlien
	" Set the native handle to a potentialy non-StObject. "

	(self isObject: anAlien) ifTrue: [
		(anAlien isMemberOf: Point) ifTrue: [
			^super handle: (Point newCGSize: anAlien x height: anAlien y)
		anAlien isNumber ifTrue: [ ^self handle: anAlien @ anAlien ].
	^super handle: anAlien! !

! CGRect methodsFor: #accessing !
handle: anAlien
	" Set the native handle to a potentialy non-StObject. "

	(self isObject: anAlien) ifFalse: [ ^super handle: anAlien ].
	anAlien isRectangle ifTrue: [ ^super handle: anAlien asCGRect ].
	^super handle: anAlien! !

! CGPoint methodsFor: #converting !

	^self x @ self y! !

! CGSize methodsFor: #converting !

	^self width @ self height! !

! CGRect methodsFor: #converting !

	^self origin asPoint extent: self size asPoint! !

! CGRect methodsFor: #accessing !

	^self size asPoint! !

! CGRect methodsFor: #accessing !

	^self extent / (2@2)
		+ self origin asPoint! !

! CGPoint class methodsFor: #instantiating !
x: x y: y

	^self @ (x @ y)! !

! CGSize class methodsFor: #instantiating !
x: x y: y

	^self @ (x @ y)! !

! CGSize class methodsFor: #instantiating !
width: x height: y

	^self @ (x @ y)! !

! Point class methodsFor: 'CGGeometry-private' !
newCGPoint: x y: y
	^{'new CGPoint(x,y);'}! !

! Point class methodsFor: 'CGGeometry-private' !
newCGSize: width height: height
	^{'new CGSize(width,height);'}! !

! Rectangle class methodsFor: 'CGGeometry-private' !
newCGRect: x y: y width: width height: height
	^{'new CGRect(x,y,width,height);'}! !

! Rectangle class methodsFor: 'CGGeometry-private' !
fromCGRect: aCGRect
	^aCGRect#origin#x @ aCGRect#origin#y
		extent: aCGRect#size#width @ aCGRect#size#height! !

! Rectangle methodsFor: 'CGGeometry-private' !
	" ObjC - Return a native CGRect from the receiver. "

	^{'new CGRect(self.left(),self.top(),self.width(),self.height());'}! !

"TODO: Needs work to complete CGContext "!
! CGContext methodsFor: #shadow !
setShadow: cgSizeOffset blur: aFloat
	" Enables shadowing in a graphics context. "

	^# #CGContextSetShadow: self handle
		offset: (CGSize instance: cgSizeOffset) handle
		blur: aFloat! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #fill !
setFillColor: aCGColor
	" Sets the current fill color in a graphics context, using a Quartz color. "

	^# #CGContextSetFillColorWithColor: self handle color: aCGColor handle! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #stroke !
setStrokeColor: aCGColor
	" Sets the current stroke color in a graphics context, using a Quartz color. "

	^# #CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor: self handle color: aCGColor handle! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
moveToPoint: x y: y
	" Begins a new subpath at x@y. "

	^# #CGContextMoveToPoint: self handle x: x y: y! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
moveToPoint: aPoint
	" Begins a new subpath at aPoint. "

	^self moveToPoint: aPoint x y: aPoint y! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
moveTo: aPoint
	" Begins a new subpath at aPoint. "

	^self moveToPoint: aPoint x y: aPoint y! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
addLineToPoint: x y: y
	" Appends a straight line segment from the current point to x@y. "

	^# #CGContextAddLineToPoint: self handle x: x y: y! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
lineToPoint: aPoint
	" Appends a straight line segment from the current point to aPoint. "

	^self addLineToPoint: aPoint x y: aPoint y! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
lineTo: aPoint
	" Appends a straight line segment from the current point to aPoint. "

	^self addLineToPoint: aPoint x y: aPoint y! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
	" Paints the area within the current path, using the nonzero winding number rule. "

	^# #CGContextFillPath: self handle! !

! CGContext methodsFor: #paths !
	" Paints a line along the current path. "

	^# #CGContextStrokePath: self handle! !