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api[www,IME] code
NativeObject subclass: #Composition category:#IME!
NativeObject subclass: #CompositionCaret category:#IME!
NativeObject subclass: #CompositionClause category:#IME!
NativeObject subclass: #InputMethodContext category:#IME!
InputMethodContext comment: '
Provides Web applications with scripted access to an IME (input-method editor) associated with a hosting user agent.
InputMethodContext which retrieve detailed data from an in-progress IME composition.
A Composition dictionary, which represents read-only attributes about the current composition, such as the actual text and its style.
Designed to be used in conjunction with DOM events
@2012 Alejandro Reimondo [email protected]
HTMLElement buildTypedGetters: #(
#( #getInputContext #InputMethodContext )
Composition buildGetters: #( #clauses )!
Composition buildTypedGetters: #(
#( #caret #CompositionCaret )
#( #text #DOMNode )
CompositionCaret buildGetters: #( #start #length )!
CompositionClause buildBooleanGetters: #( #selected )!
CompositionClause buildGetters: #( #text #start #textColor #backgroundColor #lineStyle #lineColor )!
InputMethodContext buildTypedGetters: #( #( #composition #Composition ) )!
InputMethodContext buildGetters: #( #locale )!
InputMethodContext buildAccesors: #( #enabled )!
InputMethodContext buildFunctions: #(
#confirmComposition #open
#( #setCaretRectangle:x:y:w:h: #( #anchor #x #y #w #h ) )
#( #setExclusionRectangle:x:y:w:h: #( #anchor #x #y #w #h ) )