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[Elvio] proposed changes on code

Cambios generales


Donde dice
CharacterConstants := PoolDictionary new. !
CharacterConstants at: #Cr put: String cr. !
CharacterConstants at: #Lf put: String lf. !
CharacterConstants at: #Tab put: String tab. !
CharacterConstants at: #Space put: String space. !
Smalltalk at:#CharacterConstants put:CharacterConstants !
Smalltalk at:#CharacterConstants put: PoolDictionary new. !
    at: #Cr put: String cr;
    at: #Lf put: String lf;
    at: #Tab put: String tab;
    at: #Space put: String space. !
Ojo! Asegurarse que esten todas las definidas en VSE


Porque/para que estan estos metodos?
! String methodsFor: #VSECompatKernel-consoleIO !
	" Return the contents of file stored in the server at fileName given by the receiver.
	Return nil if the file do not exist.
	[answer := # #read: self] on: Error do:[:error| answer := nil].
	^answer.! !

! String methodsFor: #VSECompatKernel-consoleIO !
outputToFile: fileName
	" Save the receiver's contents onto a file at fileName. "
	^# #fileWrite: fileName string: self mode: 'wb'! !

Preguntar a Ale por soporte para #prompt:default: en consola y #messageBox