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test[nodeJS] 046 File Append (sync)
"046-1 Writing files with #appendFileSync:data:options:"
| options |
options := ((#encoding -> #utf8),(#mode -> 0666),(#flag -> #a)).
[NodeJS fs appendFileSync: (TestPath, 'Sample46-1.txt')
data:'More S8 data.'
options: options ]
on: Error
do: [:ex| ^self error: '046-1 ' ,ex].
"046-2 Writing files with #appendFileSync:data:options: v2"
| options data jsObject|
options := ((#encoding -> #utf8),(#mode -> 0666),(#flag -> #a)).
jsObject := {'new Buffer(13)'}.
data := (NodeBuffer @ jsObject).
data write:'More S8 data.'.
[NodeJS fs appendFileSync: (TestPath, 'Sample46-2.txt')
data: data
options: options ]
on: Error
do: [:ex| ^self error: '046-2 ' ,ex].
"046-3 Writing files with #appendFileSync:data:"
| options data jsObject|
options := ((#encoding -> #utf8),(#mode -> 0666),(#flag -> #a)).
jsObject := {'new Buffer(13)'}.
data := (NodeBuffer @ jsObject).
data write:'More S8 data.'.
[NodeJS fs appendFileSync: (TestPath, 'Sample46-3.txt')
data: data ]
on: Error
do: [:ex| ^self error: '046-3 ' ,ex].
"046-4 Writing files with #appendFileSync:data: v2"
| options jsObject|
options := ((#encoding -> #utf8),(#mode -> 0666),(#flag -> #a)).
jsObject := {'new Buffer(13)'}.
[NodeJS fs appendFileSync: (TestPath, 'Sample46-4.txt')
data: 'More S8 data.']
on: Error
do: [:ex| self error: '046-4 ' ,ex].