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test[s8] block closures

We have reported issues with blocks, so... comments and tests follows.

1 - Return from wrong context (in recursion)

"1 - Context return in recursion"

! Object methodsFor: #examples !

    ^self example1Helper: nil! !

! Object methodsFor: #examples !
example1Helper: aBlock

    aBlock isNil ifTrue: [
        self example1Helper: [^true].
   aBlock value.
   ^false! !

[ 1 example1 == true ifFalse: [
    self print: 'TEST FAILED - Return from wrong context'
] on: Error do: [ self print: 'TEST FAILED - wrong block semantics' ]

2 - (failure) Nested returns

This test expose the bug when the exit op throw exception outside of scope.

"2 - Nested returns"
! Object methods !
  self print: #example2 ,$ ,self.
  true ifTrue: [
    self print: #level1.
    ^true ifTrue: [
        self print: #level2.
        ^12 odd
  self print: #example2 ,$ ,#shouldNotRunHere!  !

[1 example2 = false ifFalse: [ self print: 'TEST FAILED - Nested returns' ]
] on: Error do: [ self print: 'TEST FAILED - wrong block semantics' ]

Explanation of the bugs

example1The selector is used to catch stReturn exception, ... do not work on recursion (or activations with same message selector)
example2The generated code defer evaluation of handler function, to section outside exception coverage.
