sunit[s8] index
Tests to validate execution of s8 environments.
How to run this tests
This tests are designed to
run anywhere s8 can run
, evaluating the following expression in a workspace
SwikiCodeRobot @> #(sunit s8)
sunit[s8] classes
sunit[s8] literal arrays
sunit[s8] Equality tests
sunit[s8] IKO and responds tests
sunit[s8] isNil overwride
sunit[s8] Exception
sunit[s8] Block closures
sunit[s8] arithmetic
sunit[s8] iterating
sunit[s8] epilogue
Index chunks
self print: 'Loading SUnit...'.! self require: #TestCase in: #('u8:aleReimondo/SUnit/SUnit.st.js').!