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api[ios,Foundation] methods

	subclass: #NSNotification
	category: 'ios/Foundation'!
NSNotification comment: '
	NSNotification objects encapsulate information so that it can be broadcast to other objects by an NSNotificationCenter object.
NSNotification buildGetters: #(
	name userInfo
NSNotification buildTypedGetters: #(
	#(object #NSObject)

! NSNotification class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withName: aName object: anObject
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		notificationWithName: aName
		object: anObject handle)! !

! NSNotification class methodsFor: #instantiation !
withName: aName object: anObject userInfo: userInfo
	" Return an instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass
		notificationWithName: aName
		object: anObject handle
		userInfo: userInfo json)! !

	subclass: #NSNotificationCenter
	category: 'ios/Foundation'!
NSNotificationCenter comment: '
	An NSNotificationCenter provides a mechanism for broadcasting information.
NSNotificationCenter buildFunctions: #(
	#(#addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock: #(name #(object handle) #(queue handle) #(aNSBlock handle) ) #NSObject)
	#(#addObserver:selector:name:object: #( #(notificationObserver handle) notificationSelector notificationName #(notificationSender handle) ) #NSObject)
	#(#removeObserver: #( #(notificationObserver handle) ))
	#(#removeObserver:name:object: #( #(notificationObserver handle) notificationName #(notificationSender handle) ))
	#(#postNotification: #( #(notification handle) ))
	#(#postNotificationName:object: #( name #(sender handle) ))
	#(#postNotificationName:object:userInfo: #( name #(sender handle) #(userInfo json) ))

! NSNotificationCenter class methodsFor: #singleton !
	" Return the instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #defaultCenter)! !

! NSNotificationCenter class methodsFor: #singleton !
	" Return the instance of the receiver. "

	^self default! !

	subclass: #NSNotificationQueue
	category: 'ios/Foundation'!
NSNotificationQueue comment: '
	NSNotificationQueue objects act as buffers for notification centers.
NSNotificationQueue buildFunctions: #(
	#(#enqueueNotification:postingStyle: #( #(notification handle) postingStyle ))
	#(#enqueueNotification:postingStyle:coalesceMask:forModes: #( #(notification handle) postingStyle coalesceMask anArray ))
	#(#dequeueNotificationsMatching:coalesceMask: #( #(notification handle) coalesceMask ))

! NSNotificationQueue class methodsFor: #singleton !
	" Return the instance of the receiver. "

	^self @ (self nativeClass basicAt: #defaultQueue)! !

! NSNotificationQueue class methodsFor: #singleton !
	" Return the instance of the receiver. "

	^self default! !