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test[S8FFI] CIF
SwikiCodeRobot @> #testS8FFICIF
"should return a Buffer representing the ffi_cif instance"
| cif |
cif := S8FFI current cif: (S8Ref type: #void) types: #() abi: #default.
(NodeBuffer isBuffer: cif handle) ifFalse: [
^self error: 'Must be a buffer'
"should throw an Error when given an invalid type"
| typeConstructor ffiType badType |
typeConstructor := S8FFI current ffi: #type.
{' ffiType = new typeConstructor(); '}.
basicAt: #size put: 0;
basicAt: #alignment put: 0;
basicAt: #type put: 0;
basicAt: #elements put: S8Ref null json.
badType := #size -> 1
,(#indirection -> 1)
,(#ffi_type -> ffiType ref).
[ S8FFI current cif: badType types: #() abi: #default.
] on: Error do: [:ex| ^self print: 'ok - ' ,ex toString stream nextLine ].
self error: 'It should be an error'
"should throw an Error when given an invalid ABI argument"
| cif |
[ cif := S8FFI current cif: (S8Ref type: #void) types: #() abi: -1.
] on: Error do: [:ex| ^self print: 'ok - ' ,ex toString stream nextLine ].
self error: 'It should be an error'