Robots access the index of this swiki by title, and select pages with the tags of interest. Some robots collect all tags of a category to let the user select wich tags to process.
The pages are sorted this way:
The page with "prologue" command, w/o ClassName (if present)
The page with "home" command, w/o ClassName (if present)
The page with "index" command (if present)
The page with "definitions" (or "definition") command (if present)
The pages sorted by ClassName (commands)
The page with "methods" command (if present)
The page with "code" command (if present)
The page with "doIt" command (if present)
The page with "epilogue" command (if present)
This euristics is defined as an intent. Can change in development process.
After sorting the pages a massive fileIn process is started, reading(and processing) each page contents.
Output sent via #print: are shown to the user.