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Tracing Mobile Framework

In order to make a tracing of UI elements (creation & event trigering) you must define a spec atribute enabling tracing. A tipical application spec should looks like:

  (#threads -> (.... )),
  (#templates -> (....)),
  (#listeners -> (....)),
  (#debugUI -> true)

You must define #debugUI element with true value.
As a sample showing how tracing results on each platform, lets take a simple application #spec mobile[app] 02 - Two tabs

1) Before you try this small sample you must have the MobileFramework present in your image. You can load it evaluating the following expression in the workspace
(SwikiCodeRobot @ #mobile) process: #s8-media tagged: #core.

2) Next, make sure you already have MobileTracer class. Just browse your image looking for it. If not, then you must fileIn MobileLog module

If you are in Android context you already have MobileFramework & MobileLog module

If you are trying this in a web context for example the s8-media tools then you have to check for points 1) & 2).

Finally you can evaluate the mobile[app] 02 - Two tabs spec in workspace (just copy & paste the spec), adding the (#debug -> true) spec element in same way you can see in beginning of this section. The following is a table showing tracing results on each platform:

Uploaded Image: iOS-icon.png
Uploaded Image: web-icon.png
Uploaded Image: android-icon.png
mobile[app] 02 - Two tabs?web-mobileApp02.trace.logandroid-mobileApp02.trace.log

Each result has a comented action done over UI elements, followed by several traced events logged by MobileLog module.
On Android, trace information was taken from Android Studio IDE located in Android Monitor logcat tab. Also it is posible to see tracing output in mobile transcript.
On Web you can acces to tracing info via transcript.