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[dji8] Connecting to product

We want to start dji8 application, connected to the product (Mavic Pro), the simulator and also to the XCode debugger.

USB Connection Procedure

This kind of connection is good for U8 (high/app level) development.

If you want to connect WITHOUT simulator the steps are:
  1. Turn on the Remote Controller.
  2. Turn on the Aircraft and wait until the Remote Controller has connected with the Aircraft.
  3. Connect iOS/Android Mobile Device to the Remote Controller using a Lightning (iOS) or USB (Android) cable.
  4. Run Application on the Mobile Device.

To connect and using simulator:
  1. ensure the Mavic is set to RC mode
  2. connect the Mavic to PC with the USB cable
  3. Turn on the aircraft
  4. Start the Aircraft Simulator
  5. Download the dji8 app to phone
  6. Link the phone to RC-Control
  7. Turn on RC-Control
  8. Connect the RC-Control to aircraft
  9. run the dji8 app
  10. Now you can connect to dji8 app from U8 tools running in your desktop.
    Note that dji8 app must be running on top to access the System Server from desktop.
    You can use DJI GO app and RC-Control to take off and move the aircraft with the RC-Control.
  11. Browse and evaluate expression as usual from dji8 tools or from desktop tools connected to dji8 app

Uploaded Image: alert.gifOur dji8 system can interact to running aircraft through SDK API, we can also use the RC-Control to move the simulated aircraft.
The System Server is accessible, so you can connect to the app to browse and evaluate expressions.
The application is running in runtime, so you canīt access the xcode debugger's log.

WiFi Connection Procedure

This kind of connection is good for low level (xcode) debugging.

According to documentation (at end of page) the steps to connect our app using Wi-Fi are:
  1. set the Mavic to Wi-Fi mode
  2. Turn on the aircraft
  3. Start the Aircraft Simulator
  4. connect the iPhone/iPad to the wifi network provided by the product (wifi SSID & password is printed in the wing on the right of the product)
  5. now run the dji8 app with xcode (debug) with the Mac connected to the phone with a lightning cable.

Note that with this kind of connection to product:

Uploaded Image: alert.gifOur dji8 system can interact to running aircraft through SDK API because the phone is connected to the Wi-Fi network of the aircraft BUT we canīt access the phone via wifi from another computer, e.g. to connect our tools so... we must use the U8 tools embedded in the dji8 app to browse and evaluate expressions in the phone!