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test-[jscocoa] 011 retain test 2


"actually excluded from tests" self cancelFileIn!
self nativeCodeFollows!

		Check JS's GC destroys objc instances

//	JSCocoaController.garbageCollect
	// Cannot be tested in one thread as ObjC GC has no way of blocking the main thread to collect everything
	if (!hasObjCGC)
		var newClass = JSCocoaController.createClass_parentClass("SomeRetainCountTest", "NSObject")

		var count0 = JSCocoaController.liveInstanceCount(SomeRetainCountTest)
		var o1 = newClass.alloc.init
		var o2 = newClass.instance
//		log('o1=' + o1 + ' rc=' + o1.retainCount)
//		log('o2=' + o2 + ' rc=' + o2.retainCount)

//		JSCocoaController.logInstanceStats
		var count1 = JSCocoaController.liveInstanceCount(SomeRetainCountTest)
		if (count1 != 3)	throw 'invalid retain count - got '  + count1 + ', expected 3 (1)'
		o1 = null
		o2 = null

//		JSCocoaController.logInstanceStats
		var count2 = JSCocoaController.liveInstanceCount(SomeRetainCountTest)
		if (count2 != 0)	throw 'invalid retain count - got '  + count2 + ', expected 0 (2)'

//		JSCocoaController.log('***' + count0 + '***' + count1 + '***' + count2 + '***')
//		JSCocoaController.logInstanceStats
		newClass = o1 = o2 = count1 = count2 = null
