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test-[jscocoa] 012 instance variables


"actually excluded from tests" self cancelFileIn!
self nativeCodeFollows!
		A class created with JSCocoaController.createClass holds a javascript hash as an instance variable.
		check get / set, hash count
//	JSCocoa.logBoxedObjects
	var count0 = JSCocoaController.JSCocoaHashCount

	// Count of instances hosting a js hash
	var initialHashCount = JSCocoaController.JSCocoaHashCount

	// Allocate a class, set instance variables on it
	var newClass = JSCocoaController.createClass_parentClass("InstanceVariableTester", "NSObject")
	var container = InstanceVariableTester.alloc.init

//	JSCocoaController.logInstanceStats

	container.myValue1 = 3.14
	container.myValue2 = 'Hello world !'
	container.jsTest = function (a, b) { return a+b }

//	JSCocoaController.log('container.myValue1=' + container.myValue1)
//	JSCocoaController.log('container.myValue2=' + container.myValue2)
//	JSCocoaController.log('container.jsTest(1, 2)=' + container.jsTest(1, 2))
	if (container.myValue1 != 3.14)				throw "(1) Invalid instance variable"
	if (container.myValue2 != 'Hello world !')	throw "(2) Invalid instance variable"
	if (container.jsTest(1, 2) != 3)			throw "(3) Invalid instance variable"	

	// One more test with a derived class
	var newClass2 = JSCocoaController.createClass_parentClass("InstanceVariableTester2", "InstanceVariableTester")
	var container2 = InstanceVariableTester2.alloc.init

	container2.myValue1 = 7.89
	if (container2.myValue1 != 7.89)			throw "(4) Invalid instance variable"

	// Test deletion
	delete container.myValue1
	delete container2.myValue1

//	log('GOT=' + ('myValue1' in container))

	if (('myValue1' in container) != false)		throw "(5) Couldn't delete instance variable (1)"
	if (('myValue1' in container2) != false)	throw "(5) Couldn't delete instance variable (2)"

	// This is dummy code, as Snow Leopard's JavascriptCore retains an object during this run loop cycle.
	// This will force the release of InstanceVariableTester and InstanceVariableTester2 instances.
	var blah = NSObject.instance
	if (('myValue1' in blah) != false)
	blah = null

	for (var i=0; i<10; i++)
		var container4 = InstanceVariableTester2.alloc.init
		container4 = null
		delete this.container4
//	JSCocoaController.log('JSCocoaHashCount=' + JSCocoaController.JSCocoaHashCount)

	// Test if we have two hash counts more
	var count1 = JSCocoaController.JSCocoaHashCount
	if (!hasObjCGC)
		if (count1 != (count0+2))	throw 'invalid hash count — got ' + count1 + ', expected ' + (count0+2) + ' (1)'

	// Release instances
//	log('container.retainCount=' + container.retainCount + ' container2.retainCount=' + container2.retainCount)

//	log('container.retainCount=' + container.retainCount + ' container2.retainCount=' + container2.retainCount)
	container	= null
	container2	= null
	newClass	= null
	newClass2	= null
	// The following line is useless but throws off garbage collection. 
	// Without it, one instance of InstanceVariableTester sticks around until the next test run.
	var instanceCount1 = JSCocoaController.liveInstanceCount(InstanceVariableTester)
	// Collect
	var instanceCount2 = JSCocoaController.liveInstanceCount(InstanceVariableTester)
	delete this['container']
	delete this['container2']


	// Test that objects and their hashes were deleted by expecting initial hash count
	var count2 = JSCocoaController.JSCocoaHashCount
//	JSCocoaController.log('********initialHashCount=' + count0 + '****postTest=' + count1 + '*******postGC=' + count2)
//	JSCocoaController.logInstanceStats
	if (!hasObjCGC)
//		JSCocoa.logInstanceStats
//		JSCocoa.logBoxedObjects
		if (Number(count2) != Number(count0))	throw 'invalid hash count after GC — got ' + count2 + ', expected ' + count0 + ' (2)'
