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test[sharing] S8-VSE 01 literals

Reading tests of well known S8 literals.

To evaluate this tests in VSE

  1. Ensure Objectifier is loaded
  2. add the method Object>>#asObject (from the index page of this tests)
  3. evaluate the following expressions in a workspace


"Reading nil"
'{"origin":"S8","id":1,"contents":null}' asObject notNil ifTrue: [ self error: 'Must be nil' ].

"Reading #hello"
'{"origin":"S8","id":1,"contents":"hello"}' asObject ~= 'hello' ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

"Reading 123"
'{"origin":"S8","id":1,"contents":123}' asObject ~= 123 ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

"Reading 0"
'{"origin":"S8","id":1,"contents":0}' asObject ~= 0 ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

"Reading 0.123"
'{"origin":"S8","id":1,"contents":0.123}' asObject ~= 0.123 ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

"Reading a Class"
'{"origin":"S8","id":2,"contents":{"id":2,"global":"Point","allInstVarNames":["x","y"]}}' asObject ~= Point ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

"Reading a Metaclass"
'{"origin":"S8","id":2,"contents":{"id":2,"global":["Point","class"]}}' asObject ~= Point class ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

"Reading true"
'{"origin":"S8","id":1,"contents":true}' asObject ~= true ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].

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"Reading anArray - Note that we return OrderedCollection in VSE"
'{"origin":"S8","id":1,"contents":[1,2,"three",123]}' asObject asArray ~= #(1 2 three 123) ifTrue: [ self error: 'Wrong result' ].