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test[al8] 020 - TCP

SwikiCodeRobot @> 789

"Find out how many TCP connections we can make"
| host port connections ip |
host := 'google.com'.
port := 80.
connections := #().
[true] whileTrue: [ | tcp |
	ip := ip isNil ifTrue: [ host ] ifFalse: [ ip ].
	tcp:= Lua socket tcp.
	(tcp connect: ip port: port) ifFalse: [
		^self note: 'Connection failed #'
			,connections size
        connections add: tcp.
	self note: 'connection to ' ,ip ,' #' ,connections size.

        ip = host ifTrue: [
            ip := tcp peername.
            self note: host ,' resolved to ', ip asLiteral.
            ip := ip first.

	connections size > 900 ifTrue: [
		^self note: ' OK - near 1k connection the app can crash with FORTIFY: FD_SET: file descriptor 1024 >= FD_SETSIZE 1024'