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test[u8Debugger] 001 - Check debugee
"Check debugger is paused"
| debugee failed |
failed := [
self note: 'Debugger must be running and paused at this time.'.
self note: 'Read more on how to run this testset at <a href="http://swiki.smalltalking.net/s8-media/TestU8DebuggerIndex">U8Debugger testset index page</a>'.
self abort
debugee := U8Debugee current.
debugee isNil ifTrue: [ ^failed value ].
debugee state = #paused ifFalse: [
self note: 'The debugger must be paused'.
self note: 'Evaluate "self halt" on debugee to pause the debugger'.
^self abort
self note: 'U8Debugger OK'