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[coco8] How to join the iOS tester group?

We opened a testing project for the coco8 platform (the platform to develop native IOS applications with S8).
The group is open to participate for any person owning at least one iOS device (for testing and developing derivated works on coco8 platform).

Join NOW

  1. Follow this link http://get.udid.io/ to obtain the ID of your phone(or iOS device).
  2. Send us the UDID to make a new version of the coco8 application including your device(s) for testing.
    Alter we make a new release of the app, you can continue this procedure.
  3. Follow this link to download the coco8 application, and decompress the zip file to obtain the file "coco8.ipa" (that is the executable/installable file of the coco8 application).
  4. After getting "coco8.ipa" Install it in your iOS device- for testing.


  1. One or more iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/iPod)
  2. The UDID of the devices you will use for testing.

Report (by email and/or skype) issues and your impressions about the tools.
You can also send your suggestions and NTH features (by email)

Need help? want to learn more?

Ask for a meeting if you want to learn more on using S8 to write native iOS Apps.Uploaded Image: group.gif


Contact Alejandro Reimondo in case of comments/problems/questions about coco8 and native App development for iOS using S8.
Visit Home page -at end- for email/skype addresses.