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[node8-android] Welcome

In construction...

Welcome screen shows a few text lines about node8-android platform and a link to U8 web site (the link action opens the browser pointing to http://u8.smalltalking.net).

Welcome is a mode of U8Applications tool. This tool defines the first screen.

A webview is used to render welcome screen.


Uploaded Image: node8-android-welcome-welcome.jpg Uploaded Image: node8-android-welcome-welcome-scrolled.jpg

You can personalize your welcome by adding S8 "apps" to have convenient S8 code to evaluate on hand.
Just tap on add from right menu:
Uploaded Image: node8-android-welcome-addApp.jpg

An editor will be opened, write your code there.
(you can add an image to identify your S8 app: in the name field write the image name surrounded by square brackets, if an image with this name exists in your local Android resources it will be shown).
Uploaded Image: node8-andorid-welcome-addingApp-node8.jpg

Tap on back button, your new S8 app will be added and saved in your Welcome tool:
Uploaded Image: node8-android-welcome-appAdded.jpg

Besides welcome mode, U8 Welcome tool has to more modes available.
List mode:
Uploaded Image: node8-android-welcome-list.jpg
Icons mode:
Uploaded Image: node8-android-welcome-icons.jpg

ToDo list and Nice to have features