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[node8-android] U8 Workspace List

In construction...

Workspace List is a node8-android implementation to manage (view, list, add and delete) a list of workspaces.

To display Workspace List view, select the option in sliding menu.

To edit an existing workspace tap on the corresponding Workspace List element to go to the selected workspace.

Uploaded Image: node8-android-workspace-list.jpg

To add a new workspace to Workspace List select Add option from right menu:.

Uploaded Image: node8-android-workspaceList-options.jpg

Workspace List contents are initialized from a file named workspace.txt placed in folder external-storage path/JX8 in Android device.
If the file or folder are not present, Workspace List initial chunks are set from default U8InspectionContext chunks.
When tapping on save option, workspace.txt is updated with current Workspace List contents, and created if it does not exists (it also creates JX8 folder if it does not exist).