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test[sharing] index

This is the index page for testing the Object Sharing framework for S8.

Sharing VSE objects

The expression to store VSE objects to sample file is

(File newFile: 'pathName.object.json') nextPutAll: Stringifier @ anObject; close.

The Stringifier is required for this operation.
The Stringifier will generate a string literal from anObject, and it will be output to the new file.

Note that some of the samples used for testing are generated in a VSE system, and generated literal pasted (by hand) in test pages.

Reading tests for S8 system

To execute the tests in an S8 system you can scan the QR code or evaluate the following expression in U8 development environment with s8-media tools

SwikiCodeRobot @> #(test sharing)

VSE to S8

S8 to S8

S8 to VSE


Index chunks

"Ensure the Sharing framework is loaded in this test environment"
    require: #Objectifier
    in: #('u8:aleReimondo/sharing/Objectifier.st.js')!

! String methodsFor: #converting !
	" Returns the object stringified into the receiver"

	^Objectifier @ self! !


Meaning of the icons
Uploaded Image: ok.gifGood, happy to been green
Uploaded Image: blue.gifThe page reveal platform dependent issues
Uploaded Image: wait.gifCurrently under development
Uploaded Image: red.gifNeeds work or error has been reported
Uploaded Image: todo.pngNeeds work of collaborative effort