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[U8] Frameworks
Framework Resources
We promote development of S8 Frameworks! S8 platform is the minimum set to run Smalltalk on javascript execution engines. The major benefit of using S8 is not constrained to it contents. The existence of mature frameworks is the key to avoid limitations on scaling to medium sized application development. We have an interesting set of tested frameworks available to let you start application development w/o scaling limitations imposed by medium/low level code. We also want to promote the sharing of tested frameworks with U8 users. We encourage U8 users to share and maintain frameworks for S8 development in all platforms. |
U8 Frameworks are software artifacts
- Owned and maintained by U8 users. Maintenance & documentation is U8 user responsibility. Note that many people could be using your work.
- Accessible (and downloadable) using U8 tools from user repository. Every U8 user owns a profile folder where public (or draft) contributions are located. Likewise framework folders are in the same location as contributions. These locations serve as a user private space as well as a link for reference or sharing your work. Following the same spirit, every work developed in U8 is downloadable if it is a contribution. See more of this in [U8] FAQ.
- Fixed URL library hosted at smalltalking.net
- MIT licensed code (same conditions of all U8 contents)
- Contents regulated by Smalltalking, but published by the user and under the user's responsibility (contributions must comply with license terms for all resources).
- Exposed by the author (or/and other U8 users) when used in their contributions and applications.
- Documented and explained using U8 or other presentation tools in public or any media under the responsibility of the users. Each framework listed in frameworks page has a reference link for the purpose of documentation that could be an external blog or personal page. We encourage you to use this link to present your work with a practical usage in the form of a U8 contribution. In addition, this contribution (as all contributions) will allow the promotion of your work as a downloadable content.
How to publish your S8 framework?
1) Build a file named framework.json with the following format:
"author":"", //Author name
"avatar":"", //image file name representing the framework located in actual folder. If you leave blank this atribute, it will shows the default avatar image for contributions
"description":"", //framework description
"publicationDate":"dd-mm-yyy", //publication date, not showed on framework list at the moment
"state":"NONE", // Publication state. If this atribute value is PUBLISHED the framework will be listed on http://u8.smalltalking.net/browseframeworks.aspx. This attribute is controlled by U8 Team
"title":"", // Framework name
"url":"" // An url referencing a contribution, a blog or another page
a sample for a real json as following:
"author":"Alejandro Reimondo",
"description":"Native application framework to write iOS native applications",
2) Compress all the files (and folders) in a compressed zip file.
3) Send an email to u8@smalltalking.net asking for acceptance and installation of the framework in your user folder.
The email must specify:
- user name
- framework name (one word used for installation folder of the framework)
- name of the zip file to decompress & upload in framework folder.
(required if there is more than one file attached to the email)
- avatar image (if any) representing the framework
4) Wait until reception of acceptance email (with fixed URL assigned to the framework), or email of rejection notification.
5) Once framework is successfully published, you should add your framework to [U8] Frameworks Index
After you receive the email with framework's URL, you can start using/downloading/promoting your framework.
Why frameworks are important to us?
We have long experience build and using Smalltalk frameworks.
From long time we have been publishing Smalltalk frameworks (SUGAR Miniatures, Smalltalking Goodies, www.aleReimondo.com frameworks) and we are sharing more with U8.
Join us and publish your frameworks with U8!
- Smalltalk is NOT a language.
- Smalltalk is NOT the tools and the frameworks.
- Smalltalk is NOT it's contents (the image).
- Smalltalk is what your are doing with it.
Publish the results of your experiences, to let others start doing what you are doing today with U8!