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[coco8] Accessing iOS local Databases with S8
How to access local databases in iOS devices, using S8
The SQLite database engine is built-in to the iOS (and Android) operating system.
SQLite is considered an industry standard for lightweight embedded SQL database programming.
S8 currently accesses SQLite DB Engine by wrapping a third-party Objective-C library called
FMDB. (Building a direct interface avoiding third-parties libs is a work in progress).
So... By now, Be sure to have installed the following FMDB classes in your XCode project:
- FMDatabase
- FMDatabaseAdditions
- FMDatabasePool
- FMDatabaseQueue
- FMResultSet
(You can find the latest version of these classes here )
S8 API for Local Database accessing
Creating a Database
A Database is an instance of FMDatabase
An FMDatabase is created with a path to an actual SQLite database file. If it doesn't exist it will be created.
The following snippet code create an instance of an FMDatabase on 'Sample.sqlite' sqlite database
| db |
db := FMDatabase withPath: 'Sample.sqlite' asLocalPathName.
Open and Close a Database
An instance of FMDatabase can be opened and closed using the standard protocol
both of them returns a boolean representing the success of the operation.
Sample Code
| db |
db := FMDatabase withPath: 'Sample.sqlite' asLocalPathName.
db open ifTrue: [ self print: 'DB Opened Successfully'.].
db close ifTrue: [ self print: 'DB Closed Successfully'.].
Create a Table
A table creation, as well as insertion, modification or deletion of data, is an update to the database, so, it will be done using the standard protocol
FMDatabase>>#executeUpdate: sqlStatement
It returns a boolean representing the success of the operation.
Sample Code
| db |
db := FMDatabase withPath: 'Sample.sqlite' asLocalPathName.
db open ifTrue: [
success := db executeUpdate:'create table if not exists Books(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Title TEXT, Author TEXT, Pages INTEGER)'.
success ifTrue: [self print: 'Table Created successfully'.]
ifFalse: [self print: 'Can not create the table - '. ].
db close.
Inserting Records
This is another update to the database, so, it will be done using the standard protocol
FMDatabase>>#executeUpdate: sqlStatement
It returns a boolean representing the success of the operation.
Sample Code
| db |
db open ifTrue: [
db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation' 'Adele Goldberg' 714).
db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk, Objects, and Design' 'Chamond Liu' 289).
db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk With Style' 'Edward Klimas' 127).
db executeUpdate: 'insert into Books (Title, Author, Pages) values (?,?,?)' withArgumentsInArray: #('Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns 1st Edition' 'Kent Beck' 240).
db close.
Retrieving Records
It will be done using the standard protocol
FMDatabase>>#executeQuery: sqlQueryStatement
It returns a FMResultSet.
In the following Sample Code, You can see how to retrieve records, and how to deal with the answered resultSet
| db |
db open ifTrue: [
rs := db executeQuery: 'select * from Books where Pages > 200'.
[rs next ] whileTrue: [
self print: (' // ', (rs stringForColumn: 'Title')).
db close.
In addition to FMResultSet>>#stringForColumn: aColumnName
FMResultSet provides us with similar messages:
- FMResultSet>>#intForColumn: aColumnName
- FMResultSet>>#doubleForColumn: aColumnName
- FMResultSet>>#boolForColumn: aColumnName
- FMResultSet>>#dataForColumn: aColumnName
- FMResultSet>>#objectForColumn: aColumnName
And if You prefer to identify the column by its index instead of it's name:
- FMResultSet>>#StringForColumnIndex: aColumnIndex
- FMResultSet>>#intForColumnIndex: aColumnIndex
- FMResultSet>>#doubleForColumnIndex: aColumnIndex
- FMResultSet>>#boolForColumnIndex: aColumnIndex
- FMResultSet>>#dataForColumnIndex: aColumnIndex
- FMResultSet>>#objectForColumnIndex: aColumnIndex