The SDK wrappers has been implemented by hand (from header files)
Note that the Facebook frameworks are defined as weak frameworks (is it a bug in pod file?), and the ObjectiveC system do NOT load the classes at startup. So we need to call for activation at least once in main file (see diff in main file from clean coco8 app). When the ObjectiveC system load the (ObjC)classes it will bound to the objC system classes to runtime library, and will be mixed with other runtine classes, so we canīt generate code automatically from the runtime (without selecting by hand what to wrap on S8 side).
The coco8fb application is an open system we use for iterative development of solutions with S8 objects in this field.
We will update the application frequently to reflect the state of development of frameworks and concrete solutions in the topics of interest.
The coco8fb application is completelly written in S8 smalltalk by smalltalkers; so you will feel at home if you have any experience with classic smalltalk environments.
The coco8fb application is actually an iOS application that start a complete S8 smalltalk environment and open the U8 tools in the device.
You can evaluate expressions (as usual in Smalltalk and coco8), browse classes, use any of the U8 tools locally and also connect from desktop computer to access the coco8fb app with U8 tools.
*[coco8fb] list of version updates*
In case you need project sources and help, keep in contact to make it happen as a social development of our community.