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mobile[app] 06 - Cousteau Divers
The idea is to implement an application running Mobile.
The application requirement is simulated.
Note | It is NOT a real request and there is NO relationship with Cousteau organization. |
The interest is only technical as a demostration of fact to write an application in short time.
We want to open access to http://www.cousteaudivers.org/ from mobile devices.
The application is designed with sections (mobile threads) and pages for browsing/working in section.
How to run this application?
Download the app to the phone and run.
Or... use our swiki tool to see how it runs in web mode
(SwikiCodeRobot @ #mobile) process: #s8-media tagged: #core.
#(system section page) do: [:each|
(SwikiCodeRobot @ #cousteau) process: #s8-media tagged: each
Application tree
! MobileThread methodsFor: #instantiation !
newCoordinatorFrom: spec
(self isObject: spec) ifFalse: [
^(MobileCoordinatorTemplate fromJSon: spec) newCoordinator
spec isString ifTrue: [
^(self application templateAt: spec) newCoordinator
self halt.
(spec isKindOf: Behavior) ifFalse: [
self error: 'Must be aClass ' ,spec printString
^spec new! !
"Open UI"
self print: nil."clear the Transcript"
CousteauDivers open