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[dji8] Index page

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard.
The dji8 application is a coco8 system containing complete support for DJI's API, so you can control/automate DJI drones (and imagery devices) with S8 Smalltalk!

The application is part of an open project driven by S8 community. The project is actually running using iPhone/iPad devices and DJI products. It is in our agenda to extend support to android devices and also access other unmanned vehicles.

The project is open, so any person interested in contributing can join with the people already working on it. Please contact the S8 workgroup using the information in the home page of this swiki, on the Smalltalking email list (Spanish) and/or in S8 Googleplus community.

Working pages of dji8 app

Resources and workspaces in our s8-media swiki

[dji8] Beta testing

The dji8 application is an open system we use for iterative development of solutions with S8 objects in this field.
We will update the application frequently to reflect the state of development of frameworks and concrete solutions in the topics of interest.
The dji8 application is completelly written in S8 smalltalk by smalltalkers; so you will feel at home if you have any experience with classic smalltalk environments.
The dji8 application is actually an iOS application that start a complete S8 smalltalk environment; connects to the aircraft (in real or simulated flight) and open the U8 tools in the device.
You can evaluate expressions (as usual in Smalltalk and coco8), browse classes, use any of the U8 tools locally and also connect from desktop computer to access the chart8 app with U8 tools.

[dji8] list of version updates

Uploaded Image: alert.gifIn case you need help, keep in contact to make it happen as a social development of our community.

Note that the pages in s8-media swiki are designed to run in dji8 environment.
You can start the application, connected to a DJI product or to the simulator; browse and access the app remotely from desktop computers, start testing scanning the QR code in this page with ScanApp or evaluating the expresion
SwikiCodeRobot @> #(test dji8-ios)
Uploaded Image: Mavic2.png