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[U8] Walkthrough

U8 has several platforms and modes of execution. You can find detailed information about these alternatives in [U8] Platforms. This section is a collection of walkthrough showing simple basic steps in development proccess for several modes.

Compact Web Mode walkthrough
Image based mode with minimal U8 tools. Development is a traditional Smalltalk save & continue process.
You should use compact web mode if: you are learning s8, you are testing some part of code or library, you want to quickly test a part of migrated code, you want 'save & continue' philosophy
UI8+WI8 Web Headless Mode walkthrough
File based mode with GUI widgets. Development is based in a default image that can start loading pieces/modules dynamically from files.
You should use UI8+WI8 Web Headless Mode if: you are learning S8, you need to develop GUI based application, you are developing GUI based frameworks, you need to develop an application that dynamically loads modules or parts.
Console Mode walkthrough
File based development. It is the basic mode of operation and development of S8 , is used to do offline development that can run in several platforms.
You should use console mode if: you need to develop (visual or non-visual) frameworks and/or applications for multiple platforms.
Node walkthrough
Console based mode for developing server side applications using S8.
You should use Node if: you are learning S8, you are developing server side applicatins, you need acces to low level operation such sockets, file System, or any NodeJS supported module.
[node8-android] Walkthrough
Native android applications development using S8

See also