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[m8n] LuaStudio

Lua Studio is a small application host that runs on multiple devices.

We implement and load our S8 systems as a lua project.
LuaStudio exposes an API to access low level features from S8 system.
The library can be downloaded from LuaStudio folder in U8 service.

How to make a LuaStudio contribution and run in a clean installation?

Instructions to load and run S8 system in LuaStudio as local project

How to connect from remote S8 tools?

You can live-connect to any S8 system (e.g. a S8 system running in LuaStudio) and work using U8 development tools running in a web page, android or iOS system!

How to run the LuaStudio Samples?

Download LuaStudio files to installation folder (/m8n/)

See classes implementing #example class method (under category #sample).
All the samples can be fileIn/loaded from file "LuaStudioSamples.st"
See also sample[m8n] index

If you want to evaluate contents in our swiki pages, download and install the swiki framework at installation folder (/m8n/)

How to build U8 app
