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Implementing native wrappers

You know how powerfull is our unique framework of builders!
The work of writing API interfaces demmand time reading/understanding the API.
Testing can be deferred to the point of use in a concrete system (builders are an effective technique to reduce typing errors and focus on API instead of writing/browsing a lot of small methods that only adapt arguments and/or syntax).

There are times where you are near documentation for reading+implementing wrappers. It is frequent to open an API documentation page in an Internet browser, and write multiple build expressions that will be tested with sample code or following a tutorial on the target environment.

For the time of reading/understanding API documentation, while writing builders, we created a swiki category named api for this media-workspace.
The api category is used here to identify "API pages", that contain builder expressions embedded in <code> tags.
The API pages can be proccessed by a standard SwikiCodeRobot to validate builder's code.
This way of implementing wrappers let you create builders here and validate the builders later, on the target device/environment.
You can also host your test scripts here and automate testing of API, loading code directly from this swiki.

API Library index

W3C frameworksFrameworks implementing APIs defined at http://www.w3.org
Apple frameworksSDK frameworks for iOS and OSX.
See the Apple's documentation page.
Android frameworksSDK frameworks for Android.
See the Android reference.
api[nodejs] codeNodeJS API
Node.js APIsLibrary of Node.js module wrappers
api[cordova] codeCordova API
api[web,google,maps] codeMinimal Google Maps API
api[three] codethree.js (git) API
api[panoramio] code
api[panoramio] code templates
api[panoramio] epilogue
Panoramio API (w/templates)
api[tns8] indexNativeScript platform API
api[dji] index
test[dji8-ios] index
DJI SDK framework and tests.