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Testing with SwikiCodeRobots

SwikiCodeRobot instances can be used to load and execute tests from pages in this swiki.

We use the test category to define pages with code written for testing of frameworks/classes/etc.

Uploaded Image: alert.gifYou can add a QR code to any page of this swiki to enable instant run using ScanApp

Tests Library

Description / testing environment
How to run the tests
s8S8 core testsVisit this page and select pages tagged as test[s8] or sunit[s8] index.
metaSUnit core testssunit[meta] index
librarySUnit tests for s8 librariessunit[library] index
metatestTestset for testing frameworkstest[metatest] index - testing framework tests
test[robots] index - SwikiRobot navigation tests
sqlite3FMDB teststest[FMDB] index
sqlite3Android sqlite3 teststest[sqlite3] index
vseVSE compatibility teststest[VSE, compatibility] index
coco8Tests for iPhone/iPad/iPod/OSXtest[coco8] index - Coco8 low-level interface
test[jscocoa] index - JSCOCOA interface
nodeJSNodeJS frameworktest[nodeJS] index
miscTemporary teststest[misc] index
miscMobile framework testsMobile frw testing[misc]
jx8-androidTests for JX8 running Androidtest[jx8-android] index
jx8-iosTests for JX8 running iOStest[jx8-ios] index
scanAppTests for ScanApptest[scanApp] index
tns8Tests for tns8 platformtest[tns8] index
S8FFIS8FFI framework teststest[S8FFI] index
node-fibersnode-fibers (and future) framework teststest[fibers] index
x11x11 framework teststest[x11] index
imlib2imlib2 framework teststest[imlib2] index
dji-iosDJI SDK framework teststest[dji8-ios] index
fb-webFacebook SDK (web) teststest[fb-web] index
coco8fb-iosFacebook framework (iOS) teststest[coco8fb-ios] index
jx8fbFacebook framework (android) teststest[jx8fb] index
chart8Tests for High Charts library in coco8test[chart8] index
photos8Photos.framework (iOS) teststest[photos8] index
clari8Clarifai framework (iOS) teststest[clari8] index
jx8-android intentsTests of Common Intents on jx8-androidtest[jx8Intents] index
jx8-android wrappersInstantiation of JavaObject teststest[jx8JavaObjectsInstantiation] index
s8Object Sharing frameworktest[sharing] index
m8nTests for m8n platformtest[m8n] index
m8nLuaStudiosample[LuaStudio] index
m8nLövesample[Love] index
m8nNLua8 - dotNet framework and librariestest[NLua8] index
al8Tests for al8 platformtest[al8] index
tinn8Tinn8 teststest[tinn8] index
node8U8Debugger testset (debugee side) for node8test[node8debug] index
u8U8Debugger testset (debugger side)test[u8Debugger] index
s8Scripting teststest[scripting] index
py8Core py8 testsettest[py8] index
py8Standard Library py8 wrappers testsettest[py8-std] index
kivy8Kivy Application samplessample[kivy8] index
jl8Core jl8 testsettest[jl8] index
s8Execution time teststest[times] index
...add your testhere