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UI8+WI8 Web Headless Mode walkthrough

UI8+WI8 is the closest to a traditional Smalltalk enviroment. The Headless mode of development opens the default image and start loading pieces of application dynamically from files in the contribution's folder, or in other folders under U8 server's space.

Let's try a traditional HelloWorld sample contribution:
  1. Goto to u8.smalltalking.net and login.

  2. Create a UI8+WI8 Headless mode contribution

  3. Let's try some tools first. If you are not familiar with web tools please check UI8 tools
    Uploaded Image: WI8UI8Walk1.png

  4. Open a Transcript (third icon from left to right). A new web browser tab is opened with a blank page. This page is your notification panel. Every time a compilation is done you can see the result there.
    In same way open a Changes tool (fourth icon from left to right). Another web browser tab is opened with a blank page. This tool is similar to VSE change.log. You can see there any activity.

  5. Open a System Browser and create a HelloWorld sample application. Copy & paste the following chunk in code pane:
     subclass: #HelloWorld
     instanceVariableNames: ' '
     category: #TestingUI8!

    Then click in accept button, the green one at the bottom of code pane

    Uploaded Image: WI8UI8Walk3.png

    Going to Transcript and Changes you sholud see the resulting notifications of compiling a new class and the evaluated code

  6. We need to define at least two messages HelloWorld class>>mainViewSupport and HelloWorld>>setInitialContens, you should implement something like:
    ! HelloWorld class methodsFor: #defaults !
       " Private - Return the support for mainView. "
       ^TopPane! !
    ! HelloWorld methodsFor: #initialize !
       " Private - Initialize the contents of the receiver. "
       | text |
       self mainView leftTop: 50 @ 40.
       self mainView title: 'Test Application'.
       text := self window text:'Hello World',$!!.
       text style 
          display: #block;
          fontFamily: #Helvetica;
          fontSize: #18px.
       self mainView
          addChild: text! !
    copy & paste the above code chunk (one by one or both chunks) to code pane, and click accept. Below image shows both code chunks accepted.
    Uploaded Image: WI8UI8Walk6.png

  7. At this point you can see Transcript tool and Changes to check everything is ok. If something goes wrong you will see this event in Transcript.

  8. Now we can test our HelloWorld application. Open a Workspace, type HelloWorld open and click in (doIt) button. Done! You should see an opened window with 'Hello world!' label
    Again, if you check Changes tab you will see all activity until now. Keep this in mind, we will return later to this topic.
    So far we have worked in Smalltalk traditional way.
    On the other hand headless mode allows you to persist the whole work or parts of your work, and dinamically load them in system startup time. If you are a carefull developer you can use class categories for group classes in a meaningfull way. You can take advantage of this aspect exporting all source code of your groupings or modules.

  9. Let's try to fileOut our sample application. Open a Workspace evaluate this:
    (Exporter new fileOutCategory: #TestingUI8) edit.
    Alternatively you can achieve the same action evaluating a more compact way to express the same code
    #TestingUI8 fileOut edit
    As a result, another Workspace is opened with TestingUI8 category source code (you can use Actions tool for these operations)
    Uploaded Image: WI8UI8Walk8.png

    The #edit message sends the target string to Workspace, so all source code is opened in a different window.

  10. To save our HelloWorld and trigger the sample on startup time evaluate (doIt) the following expression in Workspace:
    ('U8Toolbar open', $!, String cr, String cr),
    (Exporter new fileOutCategory: #TestingUI8),
    ('HelloWorld open',$!) outputToFile: 'LibrariesLoaded.st'

    The #outputToFile: message saves to an specific file the receiver string of message. Basically if you saw the expression that will be recorded, you will see:
    U8Toolbar open!
    	subclass: #HelloWorld
    	instanceVariableNames: ''
    	category: #TestingUI8 !
    ! HelloWorld class methodsFor: #defaults !
       " Private - Return the support for mainView. "
       ^TopPane! !
    ! HelloWorld methodsFor: #initialize !
       " Private - Initialize the contents of the receiver. "
       | text |
       self mainView leftTop: 50 @ 40.
       self mainView title: 'Test Application'.
       text := self window text:'Hello World',$!!.
       text style 
          display: #block;
          fontFamily: #Helvetica;
          fontSize: #18px.
       self mainView
          addChild: text! !
    HelloWorld open!

    Headless mode allows to save several predefined files that will be loaded/filledIn at system startup time. For more info about this topic check [U8] Web headless. The previous expresion -the first one- saves several chunks of code. First, opens UI8 enviroment, then defines all HelloWorld code and finally opens our sample. The changes will take effect when you reload this contribution.
    Note: As you know, in a web context, changes takes time to become real because of browser cache, so it is recomended to clear it.

  1. You can do the previous step via U8 tools. Click in U8 icon (bottom right).
    You will see a Compact Web based enviroment.
    Uploaded Image: WI8UI8Walk10.png

    Depending on what is selected in upper combobox you can save the content of U8 Workspace (not the UI8 Workspace).
    If you kept Changes tool opened, you would see all activity, so just copy & paste the interesting chunks to U8 Workspace and click in Save Workspace button. Again, the changes will take effect when you reload this contribution.