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[U8] Betatesting efforts

We do frequent betatesting campaigns.
Contact the referent of the campaign to join, and put your muscles to work enhancing the U8 environment.

Open campaignmodeDetailReferent(s)
Send an email to join the campaign
dji8incrementalInteraction with Unmanned vehicles using S8Alejandro Reimondo
Visit [coco8] How to join the iOS tester group?
coco8incremental coco8 contribution, full sources of our iOS native platform
To build your app from this files you need Apple tools and license. Ask people using the platform for alternatives if you do not like this "pay-first, win later" way of development.
Alejandro Reimondo
Visit [coco8] How to join the iOS tester group?
node8-androidincremental node8-android is the Android project development platform and tools, for building Android native applications with S8.Alejandro Reimondo, Felipe Zak
or Visit [node8-android] How to join the node8-android tester group?

Beta testing modes

incrementalWe mantain the betatesting program open to enhance of platform tools while we are developing applications. Join us to download the tools and get help on how to use S8 to build your systems.
onceA mode of Betatesting that will run once for a defined period of time. It is effective for betatesting end-user applications.