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[node8-android] Index page

node8-android is an execution platform supporting 64-bit Android devices architectures for building Android native applications with S8 Smalltalk.

It includes two application samples that can be used to start development of other applications editing the contents incrementally
Sample Application
Minimal application that load a S8 snapshot and evaluate an Smalltalk expression when an menu item is chosen (when "settings" item in the right top menu is chosen)
A full system with the complete U8 smalltalk toolset and sample frameworks. All the GUI and bindings to java, javascript and node.js frameworks is implemented in S8 Smalltalk. The application can be debugged, changed and snapshot can be saved in the device, or sent to other devices. There are tools to automate testing and scan tests/expressions with Barcode reading. The embedded smalltalk system can communicate with other S8 systems and share contents and develop remotelly (the server and client can be S8 systems running on top of different VMs, e.g. javascript servers and/or lua/also on android).

Quick Start tutorials

The application in Google play

Contribute downloading and using the U8 tools in your android device!

[node8-android] FAQ

U8 toolset


Platform source files (Android Studio project) are available for download, from U8 service.
node8-android-part*.zipcomplete source files to build Android sample apps, including SystemServer
*.apkSample Android Apps

How to install and run sample apps?

  1. Ensure your Android device is set to accept applications from unknown sources.
  2. Download the appS8 sample application file in your device

To connect U8 from desktop
  1. The URL to access the SystemServer is shown on the screen when started and in the console of Android Studio
    The URL to access the server in your device is http://local IP of my Android Device:8088
  2. Open an internet navigator and connect the U8 tools to the server

Building the application from sources

The project for Android Studio can be downloaded from U8 service folder; as compressed files.

Composition of the system

original source
node-mobilenode-mobile framework
Additional code
for startup
We added some functions to access application resources and to load our image (from app resources). MIT license.
Java bindingsThe code for bindings to Java is derivative code of node-java project. MIT license.
S8 Build folderIt is a normal console build folder, including: SwikiCodeRobot, SystemServer, NodeJS, core S8, platform libraries, application sources & "browse" folder for browsing the image with U8 tools (Web mode).
See also: console platform.

Developer's notes

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