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[UI8] UI8Connections

UI8Connectios allows you to define and maintain URL connections to remote S8 systems.
Tipically this tool is presented when you try to bind your local tools (System Browser, Workspace, System References) to other system, clicking in Uploaded Image: connect.png (connect icon) in toolbar.

Uploaded Image: UI8Connections.png

Adding a new connection will display a modal dialog asking for a valid http address connection (it must be a correct http:// address).

Uploaded Image: UI8Connections2.png

It is posible to add raw number (let say 45), if this is the case it will be used to complete de following URL connection template http://192.168.1.NNN:8088, resulting in
Also, URL can be prefixed by a title (separated with "-"). Everything up to dash will be ignored when connecting to a host.
To edit an existing connection click in Uploaded Image: edit.png icon. Also you can delete an URL connection when click in
Uploaded Image: delete.png icon.

The URL connection list is maintained in a cookie linked to U8 web site, so to 'forget' the entire list you can achieve this cleaning your browser history.


UI8Connections inherits from [UI8] UI8ToolApplication


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