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Mobile Workspace

Mobile Framework tests hosted in this swiki.
The swiki category named mobile is used here to select pages related with "Mobile Framework".

How to run the applications in this page?

The pages can be proccessed by a standard SwikiCodeRobot to install and test mobile features.
In the Actions window (minimized on left bottom of the page) click on the action "[mobile] Applications list"

Uploaded Image: alert.gifYou can scan the QR code with ScanApp to run apps
In case you want to debug apps in your webbrowser
Open the Web based toolset and see the actions list

Applications List

The applications list (tagged as "mobile[apps]") present the list of applications hosted in this swiki (tagged as "mobile[app]") and let the user select the Mobile Application to test.

Mobile Applications

Each application is implemented using the "Mobile Framework".
The following table show the results of testing each mobile[app] in iOS(Uploaded Image: iOS-icon.png), web(Uploaded Image: web-icon.png) and android(Uploaded Image: android-icon.png) platforms.

Uploaded Image: iOS-icon.pngUploaded Image: web-icon.pngUploaded Image: android-icon.png
mobile[app] 01 - One tab with blank pageUploaded Image: ok.gifUploaded Image: ok.gif-
mobile[app] 02 - Two tabsUploaded Image: ok.gifUploaded Image: ok.gif-
mobile[app] 03 - Swiki testing toolUploaded Image: ok.gifUploaded Image: ok.gif-
mobile[app] 04 - Mobile workspace??-
mobile[app] 05 - U8 Tools cloneUploaded Image: ok.gifUploaded Image: ok.gif-
mobile[app] 06 - Cousteau DiversUploaded Image: ok.gif?-
mobile[app] 07 - ScanAppUploaded Image: ok.gifUploaded Image: ok.gif-
mobile[app] 08 - POCUploaded Image: ok.gifUploaded Image: ok.gif-
Uploaded Image: ok.gif=OK
?=not tested
-=not implemented yet

Widget Tests


  1. Swiki robot must be installed in your s8 environment.
    Follow this link to access the robots.
  2. The mobile framework files are hosted here
  3. The custom implementation for your environment must be installed
    (e.g. android/coco8 implementation for MobileDevice, and widgets).
    Read more here

Core (mobile[core])

Load basic framework functionality