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U8 Swiki

Congratulations! You entered the wiki of U8

U8 is the first social software development platform for Smalltalkers.
Designed to promote social & open software development with Smalltalk in multiple platforms.
The current implementation support development in Smalltalk for the web, server side, mobile devices (iOS and android), Rapsberry Pi, integration with .Net, and more execution flavours, all running on the same code base. Applications and toolset are implemented using S8 (a DIY Smalltalk); a Smalltalk environment running on top of multiple execution engines (e.g. javascript VMs, lua VMs).

QuickStart Guides

It is expected to take 3 minutes reading to start using S8 in your chosen platform.
Follow the link to start reading:

Ask for more QuickStart guides in our Facebook group

How to start with U8?

  1. Visit http://u8.smalltalking.net
  2. Register using your preferred account
  3. Start moving the walls that have limited your experiences with Smalltalk.
  4. DoIt yourself "it is smalltalk" and: [ DoIt social ]

Suggested reading/edditions

What's new? Uploaded Image: new.gif

Need Help using this Swiki?

U8 guys

Name (email)
Alejandro Reimondoskype:aleReimondoaleReimondo
Leo De Marcoskype:leo.de.marco
Elvio Fernandezskype:elvio.fernandez
Miguel Isasmendiskype:miguelisasmendi
Claudio Camposskype:claudio.smalltalker
Lorenzo Schiavinaskype:lorenzo.schiavina
Bob Calcoskype:bob.calco
Martin Troielli-
Sebastian Calvo-
Bernat Romagosa-
Brian Krent-
Pablo Digonzelli-
Claudio Roitman-
Esteban Maringolo-
Ron Fucci-
Craig Latta-
German Viscusoskype:german.viscuso
Felipe Zakskype:felipezak
Giuseppe L. Punziskype:giuseppe_komenco
and more people not listed here...-
[Please add your entry to this list]